Our Company Values: All Are Welcome Here


I’ve wanted to do a post on our company values for a while now, for a couple of reasons. First, it’s really important for me as a business owner to state what our values are.  It’s also important for me to say why they’re important to me - because they may be some of the reasons that they’re important to you, too. So read on if you’re interested in the “why” behind our values.

Company Values Statement

These are Tidy Revival’s company values and can be found on the front page of our website. In the last couple of years, it’s become increasingly important for me to show up for the communities I care about, and to take a stand. I’ve done a lot of reflection on times in my life as an employee (long before Tidy Revival) when standing up for others wasn’t appreciated…


… like the time I couldn’t get time off (paid or unpaid) to join a multi-day march I helped organize to fight for the legalization of same-sex marriage, because it “wasn’t a good time” for the company.

… or the time I got reprimanded during an annual review for “shoving my opinions down people’s throats” when I was advocating for our customers’ trans rights.


I’m really happy to be building a company with a set of values that reflects who I am, what I’ve been through, and the struggles of those I care about. My purpose in being vocal, and specific about this is to welcome those that share the same values.

I grew up really religious. Although I’m no longer a church-goer, I grew up experiencing a lot of bias against the church I was in. As an adult, I see how my friends and family have experienced hate for their religion too, especially those who are Muslim & Jewish. It’s important to me to send love to my community and to have them know that truly - all are welcome here.

As a woman who is on #teammixed (half Mexican, and half white European ancestry but has lighter skin), I’ve experienced so many awful comments in my life from people who - quite frankly - didn’t realize they were talking crap about me and my family when they opened their mouth. Now that I’m older, as my friend circles and family have grown and I’ve been introduced to more and more cultures as a result - it’s important to let my circles know that I have their backs, and as a company, we’re actively working to help dismantle white supremacy through continuing education and action. 

We love this print from Elevate and Flyhttps://www.etsy.com/shop/ElevateAndFly

We love (and proudly hang!) this print from Elevate and Fly at Tidy Revival HQ


Last but certainly not least, it’s really important to me that my LGBTQ+ community know that I stand with them. I came out as bi a little later in life, and it hasn’t been until the last few years that I’ve been coming out more and more to friends, family & clients. Along the way, I knew that it was important for me to talk about it here on the blog, too. 

I’ve had more than one person say “what does sexuality have to do with organizing? Why is it anyone’s business?” and the answer isn’t really about “disclosing”, or home organization. It’s about visibility. 

When I was younger, there were a lot of reasons why I didn’t feel comfortable talking about my sexuality. A BIG reason why I’ve felt more comfortable in recent years is that there have been SO MANY more people in politics, tv shows, movies, social media, and books that I can see myself in. There have been so many people I’ve met who have been so brave in sharing themselves with the world that I thought “ok actually - it’s no big deal”. And it isn’t. But when nobody is talking about it, it feels like a big deal.

Photo Credit: Kai Skye Photography

Photo Credit: Kai Skye Photography


So I’m here to say “hey - me too!” in case someone is reading this and wants to DM to chat about it. I have really great resources to share that have helped me in my journey! I’m also here to say - if you’re reading this and you’re part of the community but NOT out - I get it. I’m not here to out you. I’m here to help. One example of many where this matters: if you’re trans and haven’t transitioned in your everyday wear, but need help decluttering your closet, your bathroom - other areas that you’re nervous to bring folks into - I got your back. I’m here to help. With 100% confidentiality. 

This work really isn’t about the “stuff”. It’s about letting someone into your life, letting them see your emotions, and helping you work through the physical things that are mentally blocking you from moving forward. I get it… because I’m still working through my own journey. And along the way, I’ve learned hella about home organization. So if you want a buddy to help you move forward, I’m here.

Thank you, friend, for being here, for (hopefully) nodding along, and for your support. I’m really happy about this community that we’re building and I’m so glad that you’re part of it.