Free Home Organization Class


When I’m working with somebody new, the thing I hear most is that they really want a clutter-free home, but taking the first step to get organized is nerve-wracking because they don’t want to declutter and get organized if it’s going to suck up all of their free time and energy. 

Getting organized can feel like a completely overwhelming task, and I understand - because I’ve been there too! I pushed off getting organized for years because it felt too daunting. But in the meantime, things just got worse.

That’s why I created a brand new free class to help you create a clutter-free home and learn how to make it happen without it feeling like your new full-time job.

What does this free home organization class cover?

I’m going to help you avoid the three biggest mistakes that keep you frustrated with too much stuff, and I’m going to help you get your time back - so you don’t feel like getting organized is a never-ending project.

I’m also going to walk you through the exact four-step process I use with every single client and student that I work with. Ultimately, the goal of this class is to teach you how to take those first action steps at home.


I’ll also be sharing all about my online course, which walks you through the entire process that I cover in the free class, giving you step-by-step instruction along the way. The course teaches you to declutter and organize, just like a pro organizer would. You get all my tips along the way, with regular check-ins, live calls, and a supportive community to help you reach your goals faster.

But even if you’re not looking to work together, and just want a bunch of great tips to help you get started - the free class will do just that.

If you’re looking for a shortcut - someone to tell you exactly what to do - this is it. Be sure to register today to get all my tips and get going!


I’ve gotten a lot of feedback since I opened the free class. From people who couldn’t stop thinking about organizing and almost started decluttering their craft room at 2 am, to people who took action right away and jumped inside the course, to people who were inspired to take that first step that they’ve been procrastinating on for months – I am so happy to be able to share this information with you, because I know it’s going to help you on your decluttering and organizing journey. That’s my number one goal. I can’t wait to hear what action steps YOU take! If you haven’t yet - Sign up below!

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