Everything you always wanted to know about virtual organization* (*but were afraid to ask)


As I’m writing this, we’re a month into the shelter-in-place order in California. For all of us, everyday life has changed dramatically. People are now working from home, children are being homeschooled and we’re all facing new challenges than we had just one month ago.

For many, the thought of getting their home organized is the last thing on their minds, which is completely understandable. But if you're reading this, chances are you have clutter at home that you can no longer ignore. Your busy schedule made it easy to put decluttering on the back-burner, but these days it’s staring you in the face and adding to your stress.

I’m here to help you.


Many of my clients are hesitant to get started with virtual organization sessions because they don’t see how it can replace the experience of having hands-on assistance. I’m not saying that it’s the exact same experience (spoiler alert: it’s not), but it can be a really great alternative for many. I’m going to give you a rundown of the types of sessions that virtual organization can be perfect for, as well as what to expect during a session.

Virtual organization is a great option for you if:

What should you expect during our time together?

Each virtual session takes place during a 1-hour session over Zoom. This is great for most clients because it’s not too long of a time commitment (i.e. they you can break away from the kids), and we won’t be working in a space for so long that it’s overwhelming to work in solo. I book sessions in bundles of 3, so we can schedule the sessions weekly or bi-weekly to slowly move through their spaces. I’ve found that getting all the sessions on the books at once works well, because it gives clients deadlines to do the homework between sessions, and creates more accountability. Clients can also connect with me via text or email if they have questions between sessions.

During each session, we’ll tackle a specific area and/or discuss any barriers around decluttering that are coming up for you. Some issues I regularly talk through with clients include:

Trouble getting started - where and how to begin
An action plan for when you feel stuck, or overwhelmed
Deciding whether or not you should keep specific items

While we’re talking, I’ll be taking high-level notes as well as recording the call (with permission). If we switch gears to discuss a new space, I’ll note the apx. time into the call we move into a new space or topic, and those notes are all sent to you, alongside the session recording. That way you are able to go back and review the specifics of what we discussed. With many clients, the notes are converted into short action plans that include checklists, to print out and track your progress.  

There are obvious ways that a virtual session differs from an in-person session (e.g. having your donations taken away at the end of the session and not having a second set of hands to help you along the way). That said, the benefit of connecting virtually is that you’re not waiting to take action on the spaces in your home that are giving you stress.

If you’ve read this far, I’m assuming there is an area of your home that you wish you could change, or better organize. If it’s impacting the stress levels of your daily life, I would urge you to take action today. I read some great advice from Rosemarie Groner once, and it was to think about how long a task or project takes to complete vs. how long you spend procrastinating on it. Oftentimes, the procrastination takes much longer! Many people have those projects that they’ve been procrastinating on for a year, only to find that it only takes a day or an afternoon to solve the problem that’s been plaguing them. Is that you? If so, I urge you to take action today! Click on the button below to review virtual organization pricing, and book directly online.

Still have questions about virtual organization? I would love to hear from you. I’ll be editing this post as more questions come up. Email me anytime at carly@tidyrevival.com, or visit the Virtual Sessions page using the button above to book a complimentary 30-minute Discovery Call, so we can see if this service is the best fit for you.

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