How to Declutter Your Clothes with these 3 Powerful Tips


Have you ever looked in your closet and thought - “I have nothing to wear?” Have you ever gone shopping for an event last-minute,  stressed because you have nothing to wear, even though you have a closet full of clothes?

I know this feeling very well.

After the last time I went “stress-shopping”, a few years ago, and was almost in tears in the dressing room because nothing was fitting the way I hoped, I was running out of time and had to catch a flight the next morning - I swore to myself:

Never again.

Since then, my attitude around clothes has completely changed.

I have decluttered my closet about four times a year, every year since then.

Here are my top tips for decluttering your clothes, purging your closet, and banishing “stress-shopping” from your life forever.


I’ve followed Courtney Carver’s Project 333 capsule wardrobe model for over a year, and spent months traveling with just the clothes that fit in a traveler’s backpack (which is a story for another post).

I’ve started a business helping clients identify what they need, want, use & love and helping them let go of what they don’t.

And although the number of items that’s right for my clients might be different than what’s right for me (which is totally fine, by the way!) the something that is really important to me is that my clients’ mornings are stress-free, so they can start their day on the right foot.

And that starts in your closet.


Declutter Clothes Tip #1:
Know that decluttering your closet is a process

As I mentioned, I clean out my closet at least four times a year, when I’m doing my seasonal wardrobe switch out.

But know that decluttering is a muscle that gets stronger over time. The first time you do a big closet purge, it could feel really hard, and maybe you don’t let go of as many items as you thought you were going to.

That’s ok.

The more you let go, the easier it is to do.

So circle back in a few months and go through your clothing again - you might find that you’re ready to let go of some things that you weren’t able to before.

PRO TIP: I also keep a donation box in my closet at all times, so if there’s something that no longer works for me - I plop it in the box, and take it to my local Goodwill when it’s full. Because the box is right there, it makes it easy to keep the decluttering muscle strong, even when I’m not doing a big decluttering session with myself!


Declutter Clothes Tip #2:
Remember that decluttering can be emotional, and honor that

For many people, the closet is one of the hardest places to declutter.

The items in our closets feel very personal.

I talk about this in the Ultimate Closet Detox Guide as well, but many of us are storing clothing items in our closet that aren’t actually things we wear, but memories (clothing of family members that have passed on, our childhood clothing, etc.).

Each of the pieces of clothing we own also has a memory - either from where we bought it, who gave it to us, or where we wore the item.

Letting go can be HARD.

I want to include an extra tip for you, if you’re having trouble letting go of items that you don’t actually want anymore (but just can’t seem to say goodbye).

My top tip is actually taken from Marie Kondo’s book - The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. In it, she talks about thanking items for all they’ve done for you before letting them go.

It’s a way to honor the physical item before sending it on it’s way to it’s next home (where it can bring joy to someone else).

When I first read that - to be honest, I thought it was silly. I didn’t see how that would be helpful.

But in practice? It’s wildly effective.

It helped me process the feelings that I attached to an item, and honor the memories that I associated with it.

It also made me want those memories for someone else, making it easier to let go.

Even if you think it might not be for you, I suggest giving it a try during your detox!

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Declutter Clothes Tip #3:
Make an appointment with yourself, and keep it

If this all sounds good to you in theory, but you’re thinking to yourself “how am I supposed to find the time to make this happen?” - I want to encourage you to stop what you’re doing RIGHT NOW and make an appointment with yourself.


Open up your calendar, find a day that you can make it happen, and block off a few hours to whip your closet into shape.

Once you’ve blocked that time out - treat it like an appointment for a free two-hour massage.

Because it’s that important!

If you’ve read this far - you’re likely stressed out by your morning routine. You’re overwhelmed. You’re sick and tired of feeling sick and tired.

So what do you have to lose?

Block out that time, and make the change.

And don’t forget to start by taking a Before picture, so you can compare it with your newly purged closet and decluttered clothes collection and really see and be proud of the change you made to your life.


To help you declutter your clothes and create a closet you enjoy starting your day in, I partnered with Personal Stylist Missy from Simplified Wardrobe to create this Ultimate Closet Detox Guide.

It’s packed with all the best tips we find ourselves giving to our clients constantly.

Download this free guide here and use it to guide your closet decluttering session with yourself!


All photos in this post are by Danny Hernandez of Danny Foto

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